Top 5 Mountain Ranges in Washington for Hiking!
Washington offers a variety of recreational activities, but its world-class hiking trails are undoubtedly its most famous draw. When you hit the trails for a day of mountain hiking, you need to be prepared for anything. In addition to packing plenty of water and food, you should also bring a few essential accessories. A map is always a good idea if you lose your way. A first-aid kit can come in handy if you suffer scrapes or bruises and pain is a common problem that can occur while hiking, especially if you're carrying a heavy backpack. So, do carry a Neck Pillow with you as well and a flashlight can be a lifesaver if you find yourself still on the trail after dark. Of course, no hike is complete without a camera to capture all the stunning views. Being prepared for anything can ensure your mountain hike is safe and enjoyable.
Pain is a common problem that can occur while hiking, especially if you're carrying a heavy backpack. So, do carry a Neck Pillow with you. Trails connect the state's rocky coast west to the high desert region in the east. There are enough hiking routes in Washington to keep your calves burning all year long, whether you're searching for waterfalls, mountain peaks, or a glimpse into the region's geological past.
State and national parks offer miles of hiking paths in Washington, making the state's parks just as impressive. The entire state has a wide variety of excellent trails to select from and a variety of side trips to take along the route. You'll quickly discover that many of these trails offer breathtaking views you won't believe could be much better - until you visit the next track.
#1 The Enchantments Trail, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest:
The pinnacle of high-alpine adventure in Washington is the Enchantments Trail. The arduous 18-mile "Enchantment Core" trek can be completed over several days in the Okanagon-Wenatchee National Forest's Alpine Lakes Wilderness by securing a highly sought-after permit. The entire course can also be completed in one arduous day of hiking for a true challenge.

Day hiking the Enchantment Core is only advised for individuals in excellent hiking shape because of the more than 4,500 feet of elevation gain along the trip. One of the most challenging parts of the trek is the hike up or down the rugged Aasgard Pass, depending on which direction you go. The sweat equity is well worth the views, however. Numerous rocky summits can be seen throughout the walk.
#2 Skyline Trail, Mount Rainier National Park:
The Skyline Trail, the principal hiking route in Mount Rainier National Park's Paradise hiking region, is one of the most well-liked routes for exploring the surrounding landscape of Washington's most famous mountain. The Skyline Trail has many beautiful views to enjoy, even during the busiest months of the summer. The 5.5-mile track is wider than the norm and offers plenty of access to longer trails nearby.

Visitors are welcomed with subalpine meadows bursting with color when they leave the parking area near the 1916 historic Paradise Inn. Further along the trail, visitors come upon postcard-worthy flowing water. Along the route, there is also a close-up glimpse of the magnificent Mount Rainier.
The Skyline Trail is just one of many great hiking trails in Mount Rainier National Park. Other highlights in the park include Narada Falls and Spray Park. The Skyline Trail is also the first leg for many looking to summit Mount Rainier – which is mainly done with a commercially guided adventure tour.
#3 Cascade Pass Trail, North Cascades National Park:
One of the paths in the relatively distant North Cascades National Park with the most accessible is the Cascade Pass Trail. One of the top walks in the North Cascades. It offers some of the most accessible terrains to immerse you in this magnificent alpine setting. The Cascade Pass Trail is one of the most popular in the park due to its simplicity and accessibility, but the numerous vistas of the jagged Cascade peaks and the glaciated valleys that characterize them make it worthwhile despite the occasionally congested conditions.

The trail can be reached 23 miles from Highway 20 near Marblemount on Cascade River Road. The route is partially paved at first but goes to gravel around halfway. Cascade Pass is a seven-mile round-trip hike with almost 2,000 feet of elevation gain spread out over multiple switchbacks. Additional experienced hikers can continue on the Sahale Arm Trail to see more subalpine meadows and mountainous scenery.
#4 Hoh River Trail, Olympic National Park:
Olympic National Park, located on the Olympic Peninsula in Western Washington, is home to various breathtaking landscapes. The national park is home to a beautiful rainforest in addition to a rocky ocean shore and the Olympic Mountains, which are covered in snow. The Hoh River Trail, which runs along the park's northwest side, is one of the best places to explore this lush setting.

The Hoh River Trail, which is more than 17 miles long, lets tourists pick their adventure. Users can move through the dense forest as far as they like before returning. The trail is pretty level the entire way and wide enough at the start to accommodate the summertime crowds.
To spend the night on the trail, hikers can obtain a self-issued permit. A breathtaking view of Blue Glacier and Mount Olympus awaits intrepid travelers’ at the trail's terminus, where the trail significantly ascends. There are many excellent hiking trails in Olympic National Park, including the Hoh River Trail.
#5 Goat Rocks Crest Trail:
Exploring the entire stretch of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) that crosses Washington is worthwhile. If you don't have the time to hike these 500 miles, the distance from Chinook Pass to White Pass, which includes the Goat Rocks Wilderness, should be on your list of must-do overnight hikes.

This section, which is about 28 miles long and gains more than 2,000 feet in elevation, typically necessitates spending at least one night on the trail. The PCT should ensure that finding a base camp is never an issue.
If you love hiking but hate getting neck pain, then you need to try out Sunny Bay's Neck Pillow. This pillow is specifically designed to support your neck while hiking, so you can enjoy the scenery without pain. The Neck Pillow is filled with a flax seeds that conforms to your neck and stays warm. And it's not just for hikers - the Neck Pillow can also be used when camping, fishing, or even just relaxing in the sun. So if you're looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors without neck pain, try out Sunny Bay's Neck Pillow.